La virtualisation du Data Center
La virtualisation du data center. Voici le titre que j’ai prévu de donner à mon mémoire de fin d’étude (Master 2). Il peut encore évoluer, mais ce titre pose déjà très bien le sujet que je souhaite développer.
Je n’ai pas encore de grandes connaissances dans ce domaine que sont les Data Center, mais j’aimerai les développer cette année pendant la préparation de mon mémoire que je devrai soutenir devant un jury en Novembre 2011.
Je suis déjà entré en contact avec quelques CCIE blogueurs (que je remercient déjà fortement) afin qu’ils me donnent des pistes de recherches mais il m’en faut encore afin de peaufiner mon plan et prévoir mes recherches pour la rédaction du mémoire cette année.
J’en profite pour féliciter Greg Ferro pour le podcast PacketPushers car ils ont été la source d’inspiration pour ce mémoire. Et les podcasts 2011 devraient être dans la même lignée que 2010 : “In 2011, we’re keeping it nerdy. We’re planning more dialog with the virtualization folks, discussions about data center design, deep dives on ubergeek network issues, and chats with vendors about their products. We’ll also keep bringing on the most interesting bloggers, tweeters, and socially “out there” networking folks we can find.”.
Si vous êtes en train de lire cet article et que vous êtes un professionnel, vous travaillez chez Cisco, ou vous êtes un architecte réseau ayant des connaissances sur l’évolution que sont en train de connaitre les Data Center suite à la Virtualisation système. N’hésitez pas à laisser un commentaire ou à m’envoyer un mail ( avec les axes que vous pensez bon de développer dans ce mémoire, mais aussi les livres à lire absolument sur ce sujet !
Merci d’avance pour votre aide !
Cette année, les articles du blog devraient êtres orientés Virtualisation réseau !
Traduction for english readers:
Data Center Virtualization. Here’s the title I expected to give for my Master thesis. It can still evolve, but that title is already causing great topic that I want to develop. I have not much knowledge in the Data Center area, but I’d like to develop my skills about it this year while preparing my thesis.
I’ve already contacted some CCIE bloggers (which I thanks a lot) who gave me some research, but I need to refine my plan and plan my research for the year.
I thanks Greg Ferro for the PacketPushers podcast as it’s a great inspiration for this thesis subject. The 2011 podcasts should be in the same vein as 2010 : “In 2011, we’re keeping it nerdy. We’re planning more dialog with the virtualization folks, discussions about data center design, deep dives on ubergeek network issues, and chats with vendors about their products. We’ll also keep bringing on the most interesting bloggers, tweeters, and socially “out there” networking folks we can find.”.
If you’re reading this article and are a professional, you work at Cisco, or you’re a network architect with knowledge about the Data Center Virtualization. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email ( with the axes you think good to develop into this thesis, and also the must-read books on the subject.
Thank you in advance for your help!
This year, the blog posts should be Network Virtualization oriented!
I think I can help you with this …
just shoot me an email with all questions you have … or if you need information on how Cisco is taking care of it’s datacenter virtualization…
I can probably point out where you can find great information which is hard to find but publically available …
Iwan Hoogendoorn
Thanks a lot for this response, I’m preparing the mail !
Hi, I don’t mind answering any questions you have. I’m a Network Architect at a Service Provider in the hosting part of the company.
There’s lots you can write about. I imagine it would be best to lay the background of existing/legacy data centre architecture and take technologies out one at a time and explain how they can be virtualiased, then look at the bigger picture and the future, detailing new technologies that haven’t been adopted much yet.
You could also write a lot about migration strategies, as this will be very important to anybody with existing/legacy systems. Not all implementations are green-field.
Hi Dan,
Thanks a lot for your participation.
It could be a good summary for my thesis.
I will probably need to study for CCDA/CCDP (CCDA was released on December with a new topic about virtualization), then build a typical non-virtualized architecture, and then explaining how we can virtualize it step by step!
I could also explain the probable issues, and a future vision about the data centers..