Packet Pushers podcast

Here’s an english article to promote the young podcast initiated by Greg Ferro from

Packet Pushers is a weekly podcast about the networking industry. The concept is to put some CCIE engineers together to speak about their work , actuality of the networking industry and some networking related topics (routing, switching, security, firewalls, study and market changes). These podcasts are really interesting/formative for persons who work into networking industry, or persons like me, who are studying, and need some experts reviews.

One of the most interesting podcast for students is this one : Show 4 – The interview process.
In this one, Greg interview Marko by answering technology and personal questions, he deconstruct his answers and look at how his responses would have affected his chances. I recommend this one to prepare yourself !

The last issue Show 8 – Something on the light side seems nice too, with the great Jeremy Stretch from PacketLife, Amy Arnold, Greg Ferro as well, and Ethan banks. Great bunch of experts. I haven’t listened it yet (I need much more time to understand the entire record in english..)

Nice work then, I hope Greg and his experts will continue this great podcast for a long time!
And don’t forget, too much networking would never be enough ^^


Network engineer at CNS Communications. CCIE #47705, focused on R&S, Data Center, SD-WAN & Automation.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Packet Pushers, Benoit GONCALVES. Benoit GONCALVES said: New blog post "Packet Pushers podcast" – @packetpushers […]

  2. Ethan Banks 23 juin 2010

    Glad you’re enjoying the show. Not only do you have to fight to listen in English, you have a variety of accents to confuse things as well – especially last week! :-)

  3. Benoit 23 juin 2010

    Thanks for your comment, You’re right, between the australian, american, english and indian accents, It’s a good exercise for me!

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