Posts in Category: CISCO

[Cheat Sheet] ACI – Fabric Access Policies

The second part of these Cheat Sheets series develops the relationship between the Access Policies and the EPGs of ACI. The first look at this "Fabric" tab of the APIC can be confusing and it's normal, there is a multitude of objects to take care of, from the VLAN Pool to the Leaf interface profile, this cheat sheet will help you to better understand the big picture. I included a step by step to help you configure your first access port and vPC. The file is available here: ACI 02 - Fabric Access Read more [...]

[Cheat Sheet] ACI – The basics

It's been a while since I blogged! These days I would like to share more regarding the technologies I'm working on, and ACI is one of those, so here is the first of a series of Cheat Sheets, starting with the basics. The file can be downloaded directly here. Let me know if it's useful for you, and which part of ACI would be interesting to develop here. Read more [...]

[CCIE] 1st attempt – English version

Hello everyone, for those who follow me on Twitter / Facebook, you have followed my journey in Brussels Monday, October 21. Here are the details about it. Arrived early Sunday afternoon at the Gare Bruxelles Midi, I then jumped into the first taxi that took me to the famous NH Hoteles, located 100m from the Cisco Systems building. Shortly after arriving, I'm like everyone else, I put my stuff in the room and I'm going down to see directly where is the entrance of the Cisco building because Read more [...]

[CCIE] 1st attempt – Version Française

Bonjour tout le monde, pour ceux qui me suivent sur Twitter/Facebook, vous avez suivis mon périple à Bruxelles Lundi 21 Octobre. En voici ici le détail. Arrivé dimanche en début d'après-midi à la gare de Bruxelles midi, j'ai ensuite sauté dans le 1e taxi qui m'a conduit jusqu'au fameux NH Hoteles, localisé à 100m du building Cisco Systems. A peine arrivé, je fais comme tout le monde, je dépose mes affaires dans la chambre et je redescends directement pour voir ou se trouve l'entrée Read more [...]

A CCIE Lab remote PDU for less than 100$

Since I made my own CCIE Lab rack at home, I'm constrained to ask my girlfriend to power it on every time I need to lab something at work. She's really nice, and beautiful as a power management device, but it's not handy and she is not every time at home, so I searched for a low price PDU, not an APC at more than 1000$. Here is an article about how to create a Wireless remote PDU for your CCIE Lab. Here is how to do it for less than 100$ with a Raspberry PI and a 433Mhz module. Here are some Read more [...]